Standards & monitoring framework: Campus approach prevent & respond - campus related gender violence
Welcome to the O3 Digital Library, a knowledge-sharing and learning platform for all 33 countries implementing the Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future (O3) programme across Sub-Sahara Africa.
Connect with Respect: Preventing gender-based violence in schools
Report Informing approaches for prevention school-related gender based violence in East-South Africa
Connect with Respect: Preventing Gender-based Violence in Schools Pre-intervention Data Report
Progress Report-Improving Learning Environment-Building Skills-Respectful & Non-Violent relationship
The Role of a Global Network on School-Related Gender-Based Violence: Strategic Visioning Workshop
KeepMeSafe Campaign Brochure (pdf)
Improving Learning Environment - Building Skills - Respectful & Non-Violent Relationships Tanzania
Protocol for the Management and Reporting of Sexual Abuse and Harassment in Schools (pdf)
Ending School-Related Gender-Based Violence: A Series of Thematic Briefs (pdf)
CONNECT W/ RESPECT:Preventing gender-based violence in schools; Guidance Package for Data Collection
UNESCO Factsheet on School Related Gender Based Violence (pdf)
TOR - Service Provider - develop & print an abridged version of the DBE Protocol
Trainer's Manual : 4 days training for school leaders & teachers - Connect w/respect program
Understanding the big picture: Factors influencing prevalence of Gender Based Violence (power point)
Master Training Connect w/ Respect: Preventing gender-based violence: A classroom program
Awareness of gender-based violence What is Violence (power point)
Six Steps for Positive Discipline (power point)
Help-seeking and peer support skills (power point)
Connect With Respect (CWR) Pilot and Next Steps (power point)