Providing Safety and Support to Learners
School settings provide an important opportunity and an appropriate structure to reach large numbers of young people with comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). For most countries in the ESA region, the scale-up of CSE has been slow due to the volume of training needs, personal discomfort with discussing sex and sexuality, and lack of skills in the use of participatory teaching methodologies. As a teacher, if you have the knowledge, skills and comfort levels for effectively delivering sexuality education you can ensure that learners receive accurate and age-appropriate information that will help guide them through adolescence and enable them to make responsible decisions that impact their current and future sexual and reproductive health and overall well-being. Discover some helpful resources below:

WhatsApp Chatbot
School curriculum is often a highly contested space, which can make it difficult to introduce a new subject such as comprehensive sexuality education. In the Eastern and Southern Africa and West and Central Africa regions, there are various modalities or ways that comprehensive sexuality education is delivered. Often these modalities differ by country but sometimes also within a country by levels, geography, or types of schools. Understanding where and how comprehensive sexuality education is situated within curriculum frameworks can be helpful to teachers who are delivering comprehensive sexuality education and that efforts to equip learners with information and skills to support their sexual and reproductive health contribute to existing commitments to improving young people’s lives.

Connect with respect toolkit
This resource has been designed to assist teachers to deliver education programmes in upper primary and early secondary school. It is targeted at learners between 12 and 15 years of age, but can be adapted for use with older learners. It provides age appropriate learning activities on important themes and concepts relating to the prevention of GBV and promotion of respectful relationships. The introductory section serves as a reference tool to assist school leaders to better understand how to take a whole school approach to the prevention of school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV).

Online cse course for teachers
Much thought has gone into the design of this programme. By successfully completing this programme, educators will have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the complexities of sexuality and reproductive health and of how best to communicate this information and support students in effective decision-making.By the end of the course teachers will be able to:
Deliver a youth-friendly comprehensive sexuality education in schools;
Identify appropriate community and government services for HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support and assist learners to access these services.
Lesson Planner

Community of Practice
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